Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Species Traitors

There was a time when the most heinous and hated individuals in society were people who were traitors to their country. They allowed selfishness and cowardice to motivate and justify betrayal of their fellow countrymen, who typically trusted, cared for and supported them. Often, like the rats and the snitches of the criminal world, they were drawn from the very bottom of society; compromised people who could be turned by blackmailing them with the threat to expose their perversions, addictions, crimes or cruelty. As we moved into the modern era of American politics the most despicable traitors came to be our elected officials. Selfless civil servants and patriots were replaced by cynical, selfish professional politicians who perverted the good intentions of the framers of our constitution. These frauds made the primary goals of elected office to enrich and further empower themselves and their friends, and to remain in office. It appeared that this disastrous trend had peaked during the bush administration when the executive branch and most of the republican party betrayed the trust of the common people in order to enrich petroleum executives at the expense of our nations standing in the world and the personal security of the American people.
Shockingly, yet not surprisingly for those paying attention, the professional politicians of the democratic party were no better and took the opportunity to feather their nests by selling out to whatever special interests had not already bought the republicans (or in some case to those who had and were hedging by owning politicians on either side of the aisle). The American people were miraculously able to express their disappointment with the state of our government and elect a president who did not appear interested in selling out. In spite of the best efforts of the leaders of the two major parties and the professional politicians in Washington, a man came to office who was actually a patriot and interested in the common good of the nation and its citizens. Unfortunately, our political system is so broken, our government so infested with self interested traitors, and our pathetic media so disinterested in communicating reality, that this fine and reasonable man looks like he will be able to accomplish little or nothing to save the nation. Traitors are running our government and media, and our nation is sinking rapidly with little chance of being saved.

That seems sad and depressing, and yet pales in comparison to the fact that there is a new kind of traitor loose on the planet who can't be bothered with applying his selfishness, laziness and ignorance to destroying individual nations. We now have a huge group of climate change deniers who are traitors to their species. Not all climate deniers are so sick that they are willingly destroying our species to enrich themselves in the short term or to cling to some foolish political philosophy. Many are simply ignorant; too stupid to understand simple scientific concepts and susceptible to the lies, distortions and denial of the traitors who know better and don't care if our children, grandchildren, and in fact our entire species perish. No doubt the planet will continue to exist and some forms of life will likely carry on. It is well known that cockroaches as a species are virtually indestructible. Perhaps the human cockroaches who are perpetrating this travesty are under the mistaken impression that cockroach is their species, rather than a pejorative referring to their intelligence and absent morality. Conservative talk show hosts on Fox TV invite dedicated and accomplished scientists, people who are actually smart and knowledgeable about climate, on their shows, ask them biased questions and then interrupt and shout them down or turn off their microphone when they are able to provide factual and convincing answers that contradict the positions that these sold-out actors, pretending to be journalists, have been paid to take. It is almost impossible for a decent person to comprehend how an individual can sell out their species for wealth, comfort or celebrity, and yet there are people in positions of leadership and influence doing exactly that. Through-out history, betraying one's nation has generally been punishable by death. One can only hope there is something much worse than death to which the criminals who are betraying our species will be sentenced in the very near future. This is not a drill. This is really happening. Good and decent people are making enormous sacrifices and working heroically to save our species and traitors are doing all they can to undermine this process for reasons that are incomprehensible. God help us all is a total cop-out. We must help us all.



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